OSH - for a week in the summer, the center of the aviation world.
The RACE 24 Team: Ricardo Guerra, Sr., Ricardo Guerra, Jr., and Inez P. Guerra
As usual, the journey to OSH begins with tweaking the plane. Here, Chief Mechanic, Rick Guerra, Sr. sets up the copilot side wingcam.
Mom and I skirt around this summer storm on the way to Dayton and the starting line for the Airventure Cup.
Mom enjoying the Race as we fly full tilt toward OSH! I tried as hard as could to oblige her many demands to "GO FASTER!!!"
Mom and Dad peer into the distance, awaiting Rutan's arrival.
White Knight and Spaceship One arrive in style, making a number of low approaches over enthusiastic crowds.
The thundrous roar of White Knight's engines thrill the crowd.
Smiles all around as we are treated to the sights and sounds of Rutan's historic aircraft.
White Knight and Spaceship One taxi into Aeroshell Square.
From the EAA website: Rutan designs at show center!
The canard section was show center this year giving a great view of many spectacular canards.
Canards as far as one can see!
Scanning from right to left....
... we see many beautiful planes!
That's a lot of fiberglass!
James and Sandy Redmon's Berkut, AKA RACE 13.
Warbirds above!
The crowds around Spaceship One virtually never let up!
Velocity buddy, Jeff Barnes.
Mom and Dad after another fun day at the airshow.
Frank Pullano fuels up Varieze RACE 20 for more adventure. See the Operation Glass Overcast section for details!!
Steve Fossett arrives in the Global Flyer!
The roar of the mighty engines of Mustangs is a sweet sound!
The Global Flyer up close.
Dad and Mom set up to enjoy another day of sirshow's camped out next to VELO N724X.
One of Mom's favorite OSH activities: the post airshow exodus, OSH style!
The multitudes depart orchestrated masterfully by the OSH volunteer controllers!
RACE 20 awaits her next flight.
Line of canards.
The World's Busiest Control Tower!!
The historic arrival of Bill Allen at OSH! All the way from England!
Saluting the colors!
Bill is welcomed by EAA stalwart, Eric Whyte while Mom and Dad once again witness history in the making!
Bill Allen answers questions about his hop across the Pond.
When the Shea brothers, Pat and Dennis arrive, they draw the attention of these German girls who insist on boarding the plane for pictures.
In the interests of good international relations, Dennis Shea obliges the ladies. He is resigned to the fact that this is an all too common occurrence for Velocity pilots in general!! :-)
A big smile thanks to the Goodwill Ambassadors Shea!!
Yet another reason for the Velocity's enduring popularity!
Formation flight of RV's
Dad checks out Bill Allen's EZ, the Atlantic hopping G-WILY.
The human sea parts for Dave Scharfenberg's arrival in his Velocity Std RG.
Dave Scharfenberg's Velocity Std RG.
A veritable UN at the flight line with Dennmark's Skovbjerg Cozy III RACE 65, our VELO, the red, white and blue RACE 24 and England's Allen LongEZ.
What do you do is you don't have a room to stay in at OSH and you live in Iowa? If you have a Velocity, you simply go home and return the next day!
Pat Shea's Velocity XL RG RACE 40 blasts off for the flight to Iowa, relatively brief at Velocity speeds!
Late in the day, the area gets quiet and peaceful, the snap of the UK colors and the whisper of the wind the only sounds heard.
More White Knight and Spaceship One.
The airshow plays out behind the star attraction and the crowds throng!
Mom and Dad take in a Lycoming course. You never know when you might have to tear down an engine!
Lycoming engine dissasembly course
One of those pesky Lycoming crankshafts stands revealed!
Aeroshell Square is always crowded!
Dad checks things out. He's looking to maybe take a spin in Spaceship One. Where were those raffle tickets that Burt mentioned last year??!
A closer look at the first civilian spacecraft.
From the EAA website: Aeroshell Square 2005!
Dad checks out a cutaway car engine at the Ford pavillion.
Our last day of AirVenture 2005! We make our way to the plane to pack up and launch.
Through the main entrance...
One last stop in Aeroshell Square to see those remarkable aircraft once more.
My OSH 2005 adventure is drawing to a close...
Adam Jet!
From the EAA website: an aerial view of aviation history!
The journey home: Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.
New Airventure Cup Racer!!!
... my Mom, Inez P. Guerra!!