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After the first flight, it became clear that the engine idle was set a little low. Here, we attempt to keep an eager N724X on the ground as we tweak idle settings. Mike in position, about to start the engine for the second test flight the day after the first. Engine idling smoothly, Mike prepares to taxi to 9L. Taxiing to runway with the crew looking on.
This side shot demonstrates the contrast of the tinted windows compared to the clear windshield. Eager to break the surly bonds of earth, N724X soars!! Some shots I took circling high above MLB. Being used to Cessna 172's, I was shocked at how fast I reached almost 10, 000 feet. Spectacular clouds add a surreal character to the view.
Turning base to 9L. It's for real!!!! An Impossible Dream realized! Just as we were finishing for the day, this rainbow appeared. I'd like to think it was a sign, a good omen if you will ... Is there, in truth, a Velocity at the end of the rainbow rather than a pot of gold? For me, I believe it is so. This project has enriched my life beyond words. It has brought me closer to my parents for which I am grateful. I've made new friends all over the world. I've learned a tremendous amount about areas of knowledge into which I would have never dreamed of delving. Whole new worlds are now open to explore! It's been a LOT of fun and will continue to be! It is also my hope that in sharing the beauty of this wondrous machine and the magic of the 'footless halls of air' in which we pilots tread not only to fellow aviators, but also the general public, I can in some small way help dispel some of the fear of things aviation now so prominent in people's minds.

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This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.

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