Access hatch cut in inner side of lower winglet.
Flange created for access hatch. Opposite inner side of wingletcam fairing can be seen through the access hatch hole.
The access hatch!
Closeup of winglet bottom and wingletcam housing. Just needs primer!
View from front of wingletcam. Wing upside down to facilitate finish work.
Looking through the access hatch!
10/12/01 - Wingletcam housing with initial primer, outboard side.
10/12/01 - Wingletcam housing with initial primer, inboard side.
Final white primer on winglet cam housing!
View from inboard side.
Outboard side of lower winglet and camera housing.
Wingletcam housing, pilot side.
View from the front.
Wingletcam motor and camera mount installed. Inner surfaces painted matte black to minimize any glare from inside the dome. Camera can be swiveled up slightly above horizon at full pan upward and is biased more towards the ground on full downward deflection.
12/8/01 - Video camera installed in mount!
Acrylic dome custom made by Falconair Avia mounted. The little duct tape tabs were left in postion in case the dome needed to be removed to adjust the camera. For the first flights, the servo was simply placed in a static position.