These are the Voyages of Velocity XL RG N724X...
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"Science, freedom, beauty, adventure: what more could you ask of life? Aviation combined all the elements I loved. There was science in each curve of an airfoil, in each angle between strut and wire, in the gap of a spark plug or the color of the exhaust flame. There was freedom in the unlimited horizon, on the open fields where one landed. A pilot was surrounded by beauty of earth and sky. He brushed treetops with the birds, leapt valleys and rivers, explored the cloud canyons he had gazed at as a child. Adventure lay in each puff of wind." -- Charles A. Lindergh

I've been lucky to have traveled across the entire country in my Velocity, participated in some wonderful events, and met a lot of great people. I have witnessed some of the beauty and wonders of earth and sky this great land of ours has to offer. Choose a gallery from the thumbnails below or pick from the menu list at left. Please enjoy!